Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is it or isn't it?

Do you ever find yourself cringing when someone uses the the phrase "I seen..." as in "I seen that on TV." Or, how about when someone says "dethawed" as in "I took the meat out of the freezer to dethaw it."

Nails on a chalkboard right? If you don't think so, then you're probably the person who says those things.

I seen? Nope. I saw or I have seen.

Dethawed? Nope. Just thawed.

There is one word that gets me every time. One word I find particularly annoying:


Irregardless? Nope. Regardless.

For the longest time I thought it wasn't even a word but then I got confused when I came across the website

The site that claims 'your teacher lied to you' says there is, in fact, a word.


I needed to investigate further. says it is a nonstandard word as does So does this mean irregular is a word?

Spellcheck says no. Caps and Spelling says no. And my trusty hardcover Gage Canadian Dictionary I've had since 1995 says no.

I say no. 

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